Seminario di Danza e Voce sull’isola di Stromboli con Kea Tonetti e Tivitavi


6-13 Luglio 2019

Isola di Stromboli, Lipari, Sicilia


con la Compagniakha 

danza con Kea Tonetti – voce con Tivitavi

Danza Butoh – Danza Sensibile – Voce 



L’isola di Stromboli è un luogo magico, fortemente energetico e creativo: sabbia e pietre vulcaniche nere dalle proprietà terapeutiche, l’energia vitalizzante del vulcano, l’orizzonte ampio del mare, il mondo marino, gli uccelli, i cieli colorati e la meravigliosa camminata sulla cima del Vulcano con la visione del suo cratere sempre attivo.

Nel seminario praticheremo la Danza Sensibile sulla spiaggia e in acqua, il Respiro e lo Yoga, la Voce e il Canto ed entreremo nella Danza Butoh lasciandoci permeare dagli elementi della natura, e ispirandoci ai miti e alle memorie che abitano l’animo umano e di cui questa terra ne è stata testimone.

L’incontro profondo con l’energia dell’isola porta guarigione, genera vitalità, risveglia i sensi, svuota e libera la mente, ci integra alla nostra natura selvaggia, che da sempre vive in noi, dona silenzio e pace interiore.

Ogni giorno cammineremo in meditazione ed ascolto; il sole, il vento, il mare, la sabbia e le rocce, saranno i nostri maestri. Il percorso ci porterà ad incorporare le energie della Natura, lasciandole danzare, parlare, cantare: risveglieremo antiche memorie marine e terrestri, libereremo emozioni e pulsioni arcaiche, ci apriremo all’ascolto e al sentire, in modo ricettivo e irrazionale, ci lasceremo danzare e cantare, aperti a vivere l’attimo totalmente, permettendo che le forme e i suoni divengano espressione dell’anima.

Incontrare la Bellezza della Natura come parte e specchio di sé, ascoltare il silenzio dentro di noi, che permea il tutto, da cui si generano il suono e la forma, permettere all’invisibile di divenire visibile. Offrire una danza, un canto, una preghiera a sé stessi, alla Madre Terra, al Mare, al Vulcano, al Sole, alla Luna, all’Universo.

Verranno proposte pratiche di Danza ButohDanza Sensibile, Hara Yoga, Nada Yoga, Canto armonico e Sciamanesimo, che ci permetteranno di entrare in una relazione consapevole con il corpo, il respiro e la voce, per incontrare la propria danza e la propria voce, in unione con la Natura.

Per le pratiche di Danza Sensibile in acqua è necessario portare maschera da sub, pinne e maglietta termica.

Alla fine del seminario ci sarà una Performance dei partecipanti in vari luoghi dell’isola, con la musica  dal vivo di Tivitavi (campane tibetane, didjeridoo, tamburo, voce, flauto, altri strumenti e suoni naturali), il quale accompagnerà anche la danza durante il seminario.

L’arrivo è previsto il 6 Luglio mattina e la partenza il 13 Luglio mattina.


Il seminario è aperto a tutti!

Danzatori, attori, performer, musicisti, terapisti, ricercatori e a chiunque voglia partecipare; non è richiesta alcuna preparazione nella danza o nella voce.


PREZZO SPECIALE PER STUDENTI ED ARTISTI ( per lo sconto è richiesta una bio e una lettera di motivazione).

Alcuni momenti dei seminari a Stromboli nel 2017/18


Da Napoli con la compagnia Siremar, 2 volte alla settimana con la nave notturna, il martedì ed il venerdì alle ore 20:00 arrivo a Stromboli il giorno dopo alle ore 6:00, il ritorno è il lunedì e il giovedì alle ore 22:00 con arrivo a Napoli alle ore 08:00 del giorno dopo.

Sempre da Napoli a partire da Giugno fino alla prima settimana di Settembre con l’aliscafo della Snav che parte tutti i giorni alle ore 14:30 e arriva a Sromboli alle ore 18:30 circa, per maggiori informazioni potete consultare i seguenti siti:



Dalla Sicilia: a Milazzo ci sono gli aliscafi della Ustica Lines e della Compagnia delle isole, vi invitiamo a guardare i siti in quanto hanno orari estivi ed invernali.

Per i collegamenti dall’aeroporto di Napoli consultare il sito ANM, mentre per raggiungere Milazzo porto dall’aeroporto di Catania consultate Giuntabus.

In estate ci sono aliscafi anche da Messina, Palermo e Cefalù’ con la compagnia Ustica Lines. In oltre per avere informazioni riguardanti l’accesso al vulcano chiamare il c.o.a. oppure rivolgersi alle apposite agenzie trekking che si occupano dell’organizzazione delle escursioni per gruppi accompagnati da una guida qualificata.


Quando sbarcate potete raggiungere Casa Flora a piedi camminando per 15 minuti (salita) seguendo la strada principale che sale verso il centro del paese, poco prima della piazza girate a sinistra all’angolo della farmacia e proseguite per altri 300 metri circa e dopo che avrete costeggiato un canneto sulla sinistra troverete sempre dallo stesso lato il cancello d’ingresso. Nel caso abbiate molti bagagli vi consigliamo di farvi portare fino a casa da un ape o taxi elettrico.

foto delle performance di fine seminario 2107/18

photos of the final performance in 2017/18


6-13 July 2019

Stromboli Island, Lipari, Sicily


with Compagniakha 

dance with Kea Tonetti – voice with Tivitavi

Butoh Dance– Sensitive Dance – Voice 



The island of Stromboli is a magical, strongly energetic and creative place, with its black sand and volcanic stones, having therapeutic properties, the vitalizing energy of the volcano, the wide horizon of the sea, the marine world, the birds and the coloured skies and the wonderful walk to see the mouth of the Volcano.

In this workshop we’ll practice Sensitive Dance on the beach and in the water, the Breathing and the Yoga, the Voice and the Singing and we’ll enter in Butoh Dance, letting ourselves be permeated by the elements of nature, the myths and memories that inhabit the human soul, of which this land has been part of.

The meeting with Nature brings healing, awakens vitality, opens senses, frees and empties the head, integrates us to our wild nature, that since always is living inside of us, gives inner peace and silence.

We will walk in a state of meditation and listening, the elements of Nature will be our teachers. This journey will let us incorporate the energy of Nature, letting them dance, talk, sing: we’ll awaken ancient marine and terrestrial memories, we’ll liberate emotions and archaic impulses, unearth personal and collective memories, that tell of the encounter between man and nature. We’ll open ourselves to listening and sensing, in a receptive and irrational way, we’ll let ourselves be danced and sang, open to live totally the present moment, letting forms and sounds become expression of the soul.

Meet the Beauty of Nature as a part and mirror of us, listen to the silence inside of us, that permeates everything and generates every sound, form and movement, allowing the invisible to become visible. Offer a dance, a chant, a prayer to ourselves, to Mother Earth, the Sea, the Volcano, the Sun, the Moon and the Universe.

Practices of Butoh dance, Sensitive dance, Hara Yoga, Nada Yoga, Overtone singing and Sciamanism will allow us to consciously interact with our body, our breath and our voice, in order to awake our own dance and voice in union with the Nature.

For Sensitive Dance water practices please bring a diver’s mask and flipper and a Thermal t-shirt.

At the end of the workshop there will be a Performance of the group, in different places of the island with the live-music of Tivitavi (tibetan bells, didgeridoo, drumming, flutes, voice and natural sounds), who will play also for the dance during the workshop.

The workshop is open to everybody!

Dancers, actors, therapists, performers, educators and everyone is interested in participating. A background in dance or voice work is not required.

Arrival the morning 6 July , departure the morning of the 13.



SPECIAL PRICE FOR STUDENTS AND ARTISTS ( for the discount we ask a bio and a motivation letter ).

How to get to Stromboli

From Naples : the Siremar ferries depart 2 times a week, tuesday and friday, at 8 pm (20:00) and arrive at Stromboli the following day at about 6:30; return trips are on monday and thursday at 9 pm (21:00), arriving in Naples at around 8:00 the day after. From June to the first week of September there is also a hydrofoil ferry (Snav) which leaves Naples every day at 2:30 (14:30) and arrives at Stromboli at about 6:30 (18:30). For details consult the following sites : Compagnie della isole e Snav.



From Sicily : at Milazzo there are hydrofoils of both the Ustica Lines and the Compagnie delle isole – check their sites for timetables as they hace different schedules for winter and summer.

From Naples airport : check the ANM site

From Catania airport : for Milazzo harbour, check the Giuntibus site.

During the summer months there are Ustica Lines hydrofoils also from Messina, Palermo and Cefalu’.

Kea Tonetti:  Dancer, choreographer, performer and teacher, after a long formative path in the dance which started in 1980, going through different forms of dance from classical to contemporary, tribal and ritual, in 2000 arrives at Sensitive Dance and Butoh Dance, that will allow her to go more towards a search for the essence in dance, which goes beyond the outer forms. Her life, art and teaching have been enriched since 1995 with spiritual, inner and shamanic paths. Her Dance of Soul, wants to go beyond the definitions of style to embrace something wider, the Being, the union of mind, heart and body, the Presence, the dancing touching the deep of human soul, the return to the original body, free from the social covering, driven to dance by the force that flows in life, which is everywhere, it is breath, prana, vital energy. Her workshops are dives in body and soul, enrich the awareness of the laws of movement in dance, give transformation, rooting, vitality, freedom of expression, catharsis; opening the body and the Being to the Presence and to the Beauty, and accompanied by the live – music. On her journey she met several masters and artists who enriched her research, such as: Raffaella Giordano (Sosta Palmizi), Claude Coldy (Sensitive Dance), Giò Fronti (Hara Yoga), Atsushi Takenouchi (Jinen Butoh), Yoshito Ohno, Mitsuyo Uesugi, Ko Murobushi, Yukio Waguri, Joan Laage, Hisako Horikawa, Natsu Nakajima, Yumiko Yoshioka, Masaki Iwana (White Butoh), Alejandro and Cristòbal Jodorowsky (Psychomagic and Psychoshamanism), Jade Doniz (The way of the Tarot of Marseilles), healers and shamans from various cultures (siberian, tuvan, mexican, venezuelan). Besides since 2008 she studies singing and voice with Carola Caruso (Gisela Rohmert’s Functional Method of voice), the voice and the singing are now for her inseparable part of the body and vehicle of the soul, on the stage and in the teaching. In 2008 founded the Compagniakha with Tivitavi, which produces dance, singing, live acoustic and electronic live sounds performances. Her research in tantric yoga and shamanism, leads her to dance in contact with nature and to explore the subconscious and spiritual dimensions of the human being through her art, as well as to deepen the structures and energy flows of the body. Since 1990 she has performed in various Theatres and dance productions collaborating with various directors and choreographers, since 2008 with Compagniakha has produced 24 performances and various other improvisations, exhibited in festivals, theatres and events in Italy, Germany, Budapest, Basel, London, Lyon, Barcelona, Mexico City, Moscow, Krasnodar, Odessa; the company has besides collaborated with several artists such as: Hiroko Komiya, Atsushi Takenouchi, Marek Jason Isleib, Joan Laage, Monique Arnaud (Theatre Noh Master), Alessandra Pescetta (film director). Since many years she transmits her research in classes and workshops given in dancing places, theaters and Nature sites, in Italy and abroad.

Tivitavi  Sound artist, painter and sound massage therapist. In 1991 meets the Yoga path with the il M° Gio’ Fronti, founder of Hara Yoga. In his research he made different cultural journeys and different ethnic groups: he was hosted by the Navajo of Arizona, Successively, by the Sami people of the Norwegian Lapland, by Tuvan people, in Russian Mongolia, and by the Yolngu, Australian aboriginal people, during these trips, he gained a great deal of musical knowledge, both instrumental and vocal. During his research he met several musicians as: Phil Drummy, Djalu Gurruwiwi (didjieridoo), Mari Boine ( lap singing), Saynko Namcylak (overtone singing of Tuva), Amelia Cuni (dhrupad singing), Lorenzo Galantini (bagpipe), Massimo Laguardia (tammorra drum) Lorenzo Gasperoni (Djembè), Francesca Gualandri (pneumafonia) e Mauro Tiberi(voce). He played with Lorenzo Sanguedolce, Fabio Malizia, Davide Livornese, Enten Hitti e Lorenzo Pierobon; for C.Jodorowsky during his psicoshamanic rituals, Claude Coldy in Sensitive Dance workshops, and Kea Tonetti workshops. He researches on the relationship between sound and healing for several years, in 2008 met Albert Rabenstein, with whom he completed a training in Sound Massage according to the teachings of the “Centro de Terapia de Sonido y Estudios Armonicos” of Buenos Aires. Followed the training of Nada Yoga (sound yoga ) with Riccardo Misto. For 10 years he followed a course of therapy and internal growth in Psycho-genealogy with Cristobal Jodorowsky and subsequently with Jade Doniz. Since 2008 he collaborates with Kea Tonetti, with whom he founded the Spazio Continuum and the CompagniaKha, in the creations of Butoh dance performances and workshops. Every week at Spazio continuum, leads the meeting of “Sound Circle” where he dove he mixes his knowledge of sound and physical practices from Yoga and Shamanism.

Seminario di Danza e Voce sull’isola di Stromboli con Kea Tonetti e Tivitavi